Preventing Trafficking in Persons Project The general goal of the project is to reduce the human trafficking phenomenon by increasing the self-defense capacity of groups at risk and raising awareness at the community level. Target group: Students of professional schools and high schools of Bucharest; disadvantaged mothers and children. Objectives: Providing students with specific knowledge… Mai mult…
Whoever helps, receives help (2004-2006) The aim of this project was the prevention of child abandonment among first-time mothers faced with the risk of abandoning their child. Objective: preventing child abandonment Beneficiaries: first-time mothers faced with the risk of abandoning their child Activities undertaken during the project: The project developed on two axes: Support axis:… Mai mult…
Let’s Prevent Child Abandonment! (2006) Through this project we wanted to encourage community awareness of the difficulties encountered by mothers in danger of being separated from their children. Objective: raising community awareness in what concerns the difficulties facing mothers in danger of being separated from their children. Activities undertaken during the project: Organizing events: 2… Mai mult…
Parents who Help Parents (2004-2007) Parents from the community supported mothers in financial difficulty, by helping them directly with products for raising and caring for their children. ACSIS encouraged parents from the community to offer their support to mothers in financial difficulty, by helping them directly with products for raising and caring for their children.… Mai mult…
Help Me Grow with My Mother Since 2007, the project “HELP ME GROW UP WITH MY MOTHER!” has been undertaken within the Counseling and Support Center for Families Faced with the Risk of Abandoning Their Child. Project goal: is to assist mothers faced with the risk of abandoning their child due to the difficulties they encounter.… Mai mult…
Prevention of Trafficking in Women and Children Project goal: prevention of trafficking in persons by growing the capacity of self-defense in front of trafficking phenomenon of young people belonging to vulnerable groups. Target group: young people in risk (students of vocational schools, young people from poor and/or dysfunctional families) and professionals who contact them and/or their families.… Mai mult…
Surprise gifts from Mega Image We thank this way to Mega Image employees and especially to Raluca Istrate, for joys that they have chosen to offer to children whom we support! What joy can be greater for a child than to receive a surprise gift? In October, Mega Image employees have made gifts to children… Mai mult…
The Charity Fair for the Benefit of Children Supported by ACSIS Partner: Byzantine Bookshop Event sponsors: Corcova Wine LLC and Alice Confectionery. We thank Byzantine Bookshop for hosting and support in this event implementation and we thank to event sponsors also! ACSIS in partnership with Byzantine Library organized from 25th of November to 2nd of December 2013, the charitable fair “Art… Mai mult…
Renowned artists help single mothers stay with their children Bucharest, December 12th, 2011. The Association for a United Community and Social Intervention (ACSIS) succeeded in capitalizing on the support given by 31 artists who have donated their works for the benefit of single mothers. Most of the works have been purchased and have been part of the charitable exhibit… Mai mult…
The Campaign “Take a Toy, Discover a Story!” is over From November 2010 to April 2011 ACSIS Association carried out the awareness and fundraising campaign “Take a Toy, Discover a Story!”, which was intended to gather funds for supporting single mothers, with small children, in social difficulty, beneficiaries of the Association. The message of the campaign “Take a Toy, Discover… Mai mult…
Being a Teenage Mother The Association for a United Community and Social Intervention –ACSIS has successfully closed the project “Being a Teenage Mother”, financed by United Way Romania Foundation, and developed between 2009, November and 2010 October. In this project setting, a number of 50 teenage mothers, with 63 children received support in gaining… Mai mult…
Access to Education for Disadvantaged Children and Young People Continuing education for life is a value of our Association in which we firmly believe. Over 10 years of existence, we have seen in many cases the difference that adequate, experiential and pragmatic education makes in life of parent and his/her child, and of teenagers, especially those coming from vulnerable… Mai mult…