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Contribute with us to the change of some innocent children’s destinies!
More than 50% of the Romanian children face with the poverty and are exposed to the risk of social exclusion, according to Eurostat. Hundreds of children are abandoned every day in the maternity hospitals and the pediatrics hospitals in our country, the main cause being socio-economic (low incomes or lack of incomes, family with many children, lack of a house), family-related (parents’ divorce, home quitting by one of the parents), domestic violence, serious health problems of one of the family members, either adult or child. In case of single parent families, there may appear a higher risk of poverty in comparison with the one developed by the married couples and, as an average, the single mothers are much more affected than the married ones.
The persons benefiting of our support are: mothers facing with multiple difficulties; lack of support from the family, lack of the partner’s support in raising and caring for the child, lack of financial resources, low education level, worn-out emotional resources, health problems, problems of the child’s acceptance in the enlarged families; teenager mothers; mothers raised in institutional care homes; vulnerable children and young persons.
Since 2004, we have been working with 2543 single disadvantaged mothers and supporting 3901 children to remain with their mothers.
Which we do is to create around these mothers and children a supporting network; to facilitate their access to the community resources (healthcare services, workplace) but also to encourage the access to their own inner resources, to help them regain the trust, the hope in a future in decency and dignity, together with their children.
The services we provide involve hours of listening, hours of work, hours of discovering new perspectives, of unconditioned acceptance, hours the people of ACSIS team pass for supporting these mothers in finding solutions for the problems that initially may appear without solution; at the first meeting, we often hear: I’m alone with my child, his father doesn’t help me, nobody helps me, I have nothing to give him to eat, I have no place to work I don’t know how to work, I have no education…
Which happens often after these working hours – is the change, the transformation – the passage from a situation without resources, in which the mother cannot see how to raise her child – to the situation she is emotionally balanced, she discovers the power to fight for her own child, she obtains a job from which she can raise her child, in other words she finds again her hope…. Because she receives an appropriate help in a difficult moment.
What gives sense to our actions is the long-term impact of everything we do, to see over the years children who remained with their mothers, children about whom we know directly and immediately they could have been in an institution or in the street, to know we contributed to the change of their destinies.
Joint to our efforts, let’s make together the difference for these children between a life in an institution and a life next to their mothers, in decency and dignity!
Your contribution can be a part of the rent for a house, the coverage of the costs with the nursery school or kindergarten, the payment of a course of professional qualification, food and hygienic products for the mother and the child, clothes and school materials for the children, for a limited period of time, until the mother succeeds in surpassing the moment of difficulty.
Donate online and help a child to stay with his/her mother!
Your contribution can be a part of the rent for a home, the payment for the child’s daycare center or kindergarten, the payment for a professional training course, food, child care products, for a limited period of time, until the mother manages to overcome the difficult situation.
BENEFICIARY: Asociația pentru o Comunitate Solidară și Intervenție Socială -ACSIS
IBAN EURO: RO21 RZBR 0000 0600 0602 8662
TAX CODE: 16392636
BANK: Raiffeisen Bank –Branch Moşilor
BANK ADDRESS: Calea Moșilor 221 , District 2, Bucharest