Preventing the Separation of Children From Their Families

Project goal:

Increase the life quality for the mother and child from single parent family, professionally, socially, and psychologically to a sufficient level in order to prevent child separation from his family or child abandonment.


  • To support children at risk, from the single parent disfavored families in Bucharest;
  • To support single mothers to develop socially and professionally through training of necessary skills to access the labor market as well as training/development of professional abilities.
  • To sensitize the community about social problems faced by single parent disfavored families.


  • Social assessment of the single parent family, of the resources in the enlarged family and planning of the intervention;
  • Individual/family social counseling:  mothers’ information to identify the children’ needs; consolidation of their abilities and knowledge with respect to the child’s attendance and education; counseling for surpassing situations of difficulty (divorce, loss of the workplace, inter-family conflicts, chronic diseases, etc.) endangering the children’s development generating risks of separation of the children from their family environment
  • Group counseling: groups of parental support and education organized every month, approaching subjects of interest for the child’s education and development, for the improvement of the parental knowledge and abilities
  • Social counseling and information about the rights and benefits of social assistance, support and accompanying in order to access them
  • Assistance and support for the socio-professional integration/reintegration: support in attending qualification courses/resuming school courses, support to obtain and maintain a workplace
  • Education for health and facilitation to healthcare services (registration at a family physician, payment of investigations/treatment)
  • Support to register and to maintain the children in programmes of education and attendance/school, informative sessions for parents targeted to their awareness related to the importance of the school attendance for their own children and assurance of instruments and guidance in the children’s education process
  • Material/financial support for the family (school materials, food and hygienic products, clothes, customized financial support to cover costs for:rent, nursery/ kindergarten/afterschool, qualification courses) for a limited period of time in order to surpass the difficulty situation.
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