
Let’s work together for a better society!

What can you do?

You can customize the company’s promotional items (greeting cards, gifts for employees kids, gifts for clients and partners) with ACSIS;

You can fund a specific project, with visibility into all Association materials and through all means of communication;

You can involve company’s employees in voluntary social action;

Corporate social responsibility is a company way of involvement in the employees’ community life, involvement in solving social problems and community development through various means.

Social responsibility programs serve both the community, through their results, and the company, through implicit results studied and quantified in terms of return-on-investment (ROI) to the company.

Here are some of these results, as they were presented in Forbes:

  1. Innovation
  2. Cost reduction
  3. Brand differentiation
  4. Long-term thinking
  5. Customer loyalty and brand ambassadors training
  6. Employees loyalty and fidelity and turning them into brand ambassadors


The advantages of the company, irrespective of the type of social involvement, are:

  • You increase self-esteem of employees towards the company. Social responsibility program is an intervention with positive impact on the community, and studies show that people love involvement and to feel good and generous. Employees’ association’ with a company involved in the social life and generous is stronger, which leads to increased fidelity (the period of time spent in the company), but especially increased loyalty (the energy that employee puts in the company’s service). Studies show that social responsibility programs improve both the company’s brand, as well as employee effectiveness. Therefore, all big companies get involved actively in social responsibility programs.
  • You increase employee morale and work satisfaction. Studies in human resources domain show that being employed in a company socially engaged is perceived by employees as a satisfaction and a reason of personal pride. Find such a survey here. There is no need to be a corporation to get involved socially!
  • You improve your image inside your community, become an example and develop company leadership. You want to be visible for shareholders, customers, partners, and society at large. Be a living example of social action!

ACSIS provides several types of partnerships for interested companies to develop programs of social responsibility. We are open and flexible in relation to companies’ participation and also, visibility needs.